El Salvador Marco Ariz Geisha Natural

El Salvador Marco Ariz Geisha Natural


El Salvador Marco Ariz Geisha Natural

[ 1 ] Coffee

Country: El Salvador
Farmer: Marco Ariz 
Farm: Finca El Aguila
Variety: Geisha
Lot: X-Grade
Process: Natural 
Region: Santa Ana

[ 2 ] Notes

Roast degree: Light
Flavor notes: Lime - Earl Grey - Rockmelon
Acidity ●●●●○
Body ●●●●●
Sweetness ●●●●●
Balance ●●●●●

[ 3 ] Story 

Finca El Aguila

Finca El Aguila is owned by farmer Mauricio Ariz and his sons, who are fourth and fifth generation growers.

The finca occupies 63 hectares in Canton Ojo de Agua, near the Santa Ana Volcano. 43 of these hectares are for coffee production: the remaining 20 hectares are dedicated to nature conservation or have been planted with cypress tress.

The family works together not only to produce high quality coffee but also actively supporting local community, projects and preserving the natural resources.

Geisha Natural

This particular lot was managed by Mauricio's son Marco.

The geisha trees grow on the north-west facing hill at an altitude of 1,700masl. The extremely windy and cloudy weather around the area allow the coffee trees to have more sun exposure while maintaining the leaf temperature low. This unique climate and high altitude help the Geisha to develop considerable amounts of sugar in the cheery and the seed.

This lot was picked between the 1st and 24th of March. The cherries were laid out to dry on beds in the sun under controlled shade, to maintain temperature of 20-22 degrees for 7 days. This allowed a long fermentation which highlights the naturally explosive properties of the varietal. The coffee was then dried in full sun fo another 20 days, maintaining temperature below 30 degrees.


[ 4 ] Brewing

Grind Particle Size Guide
V60/Kalita > Aeropress > Clever Dripper > Plunger / French Press

Coffee to Water Ratio
55-60g of coffee: 1L of water

Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 93C / Inverted method. Steep 2min and quick stir and push

-Clever Dripper
Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 93C / Steep 2min and drain

-Plunger / French Press
Grind size - Table Salt like (finer than above)  / Coffee 60g: Water 1000g / Water temp 93C / Steep 5min, gently push down the crust with a spoon, plunge it gently 

Grind size - Coarse ground pepper-like/ Coffee 15g: Water 250g / Water temp 91C / Total brew time 2:00-2:30. Pour water in 4 phases, keep the water level above the coffee bed.

Trouble Shooting

If the coffee tastes:
  • Too weak and dry finish ➞ Grind Finer
  • Too strong and sour ➞ Grind coarser
But keep the coffee to water ratio always the same.

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