Colombia Milton Monroy Tabi Natural

Hand picked coffee cherry


Colombia Milton Monroy Tabi Natural

[ 1 ] Coffee

Country: Colombia
Farmer: Milton Monroy
Farm: Finca San Cayetano Alto
Variety: Tabi
Process: Natural
Region: Ibague, Tolima

[ 2 ] Notes

Roast degree: Light
Flavor notes: Pomegranate - Molasses - Vanilla
Acidity ●●●●
Body ●●●●●
Sweetness ●●●●●
Balance ●●●●○

[ 3 ] Story 

This is the freshest coffee I have ever received. 

This nano lot of 'Milton Monroy Tabi Natural' was just harvested and processed early April 2020. Mere 65kg of cherries was hand-picked and carefully processed. In the end, I was able to source 30kg of green beans exclusive to BRUT coffee.

Milton comes from a traditional coffee family, and as he says, he was born surrounded by coffee trees. Coffee has always been part of his life. Milton inherited Finca San Cayetano Alto from his father and since then, he has dedicated himself to the production of coffee, which has been a great business for him. However, in 2012, he noticed that the only way to be sustainable in coffee was to focus on the production of specialty coffee. This would allow him to achieve better prices. Since then, he has been able to pay better salaries to the people he hires on the farm and he has achieved recognition, added value, and learned many things by networking with people in the industry. Additionally, Milton has changed and improved his infrastructure with the objective of improving the quality of his coffee. Now, in the short-term, he plans to renovate and expand his drying infrastructure to continue improving.


Tabi Variety

Tabi variety is a cross between Typica, Bourbon, and Timor Hybrid, developed by Cenicafe and introduce to Colombian farmers in 2002. This variety has leaf rust-resistant while maintaining the high cup quality. And it's only recently gaining popularity among farmers.

Tabi which means ‘good’ in the Guambiano (a native Colombian tribe) dialect.


[ 4 ] Brewing

Grind Particle Size Guide
V60/Kalita > Aeropress > Clever Dripper > Plunger / French Press

Coffee to Water Ratio
55-60g of coffee: 1L of water

Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 92C / Inverted method. Steep 2min and quick stir and push

-Clever Dripper
Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 92C / Steep 2min and drain

-Plunger / French Press
Grind size - Table Salt like (finer than above)  / Coffee 60g: Water 1000g / Water temp 93C / Steep 5min, gently push down the crust with a spoon, plunge it gently 

Grind size - Coarse ground pepper-like/ Coffee 15g: Water 250g / Water temp 91C / Total brew time 2:00-2:30. Pour water in 4 phases, keep the water level above the coffee bed
Trouble Shooting
If the coffee tastes:
  • Too weak and dry finish ➞ Grind Finer
  • Too strong and sour ➞ Grind coarser
But keep the coffee to water ratio always the same.
Purchase this coffee here.

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