Colombia Jairo Arcila Castillo Lychee

Colombia Jairo Arcila Castillo Lychee

vol. 33

Colombia Jairo Arcila Castillo Lychee

[ 1 ] Coffee

Country: Colombia
Farmer: Jairo Arcila 
Farm: Santa Monica
Variety: Castillo 
Process: Honey
Fermentation: Wine Yeast / Lychee
Region: Armenia, Quindio


[ 2 ] Notes

Roast degree: Light
Flavor notes: 
Acidity ●●●●○
Body ●●●●●
Sweetness ●●●●●
Balance ●●●●○

[ 3 ] Story 


Arcila Family 

You may be familiar with the names already.

This lot was produced by Arcila family from Cofinet. We have been privileged enough to secure and release their innovative fruit macerated coffee in the past, which includes mandarine, cinnamon, strawberry...etc.

This lot is a new exciting flavour Lychee. 

We have roasted this coffee very light to maximise the perfume of the fruit and achieved a great balance on sweetness and acidity.  


Lychee Process

The coffee was exposed to a dry anaerobic fermentation of 72 hours with dehydrated Lychee and wine yeast.

Later, the coffee was slowly dried on raised beds, below 35 degree celsius, until ideal moisture content was achieved.


[ 4 ] Brewing

Grind Particle Size Guide
V60/Kalita > Aeropress > Clever Dripper > Plunger / French Press

Coffee to Water Ratio
55-60g of coffee: 1L of water

Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 93C / Inverted method. Steep 2min and quick stir and push

-Clever Dripper
Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 93C / Steep 2min and drain

-Plunger / French Press
Grind size - Table Salt like (finer than above)  / Coffee 60g: Water 1000g / Water temp 93C / Steep 5min, gently push down the crust with a spoon, plunge it gently 

Grind size - Coarse ground pepper-like/ Coffee 15g: Water 250g / Water temp 92C / Total brew time 2:00-2:30. Pour water in 4 phases, keep the water level above the coffee bed.

Trouble Shooting

If the coffee tastes:
  • Too weak and dry finish ➞ Grind Finer
  • Too strong and sour ➞ Grind coarser
But keep the coffee to water ratio always the same.

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