Colombia Javier Quintero Bourbon Aruzi

Colombia Javier Quintero Bourbon Aruzi


Colombia Javier Quintero Bourbon Aruzi Washed

[ 1 ] Coffee

Country: Colombia
Farmer: Javier Quintero
Farm: Buena Vista 
Variety: Bourbon Aruzi 
Process: Washed
Region: Inza, Cauca


[ 2 ] Notes

Roast degree: Light
Flavor notes: Chestnut - Persimmon - Blackcurrant 

[ 3 ] Story  

This variety Bourbon Aruzi was discovered in Inza, Cauca.

The farmer Javier saw a coffee tree that looked very different from the typical tree grown in the region. This unknown tree had a higher yield and was more resistant to disease.

He began to collect the seeds and decided to propagate this unique variety.

Later, the seeds were sent to a lab in London for further analysis. They found that the genetics and structure were similar to Bourbon Aruzi, a variety grown in Ethiopia.


[ 4 ] Brewing

Grind Particle Size Guide
V60/Kalita > Aeropress > Clever Dripper > Plunger / French Press

Coffee to Water Ratio
55-60g of coffee: 1L of water

Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 95C / Inverted method. Steep 2min and quick stir and push

-Clever Dripper
Grind size - Table Salt like / Coffee 12g: Water 200g / Water temp 95C / Steep 2min and drain

-Plunger / French Press
Grind size - Table Salt like (finer than above)  / Coffee 60g: Water 1000g / Water temp 93C / Steep 5min, gently push down the crust with a spoon, plunge it gently 

Grind size - Coarse ground pepper-like/ Coffee 15g: Water 250g / Water temp 92C / Total brew time 2:00-2:30. Pour water in 4 phases, keep the water level above the coffee bed.


Trouble Shooting

If the coffee tastes:
  • Too weak and dry finish ➞ Grind Finer
  • Too strong and sour ➞ Grind coarser
But keep the coffee to water ratio always the same.

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