Introducing BRUT drip coffee bag

Introducing BRUT drip coffee bag

Did somebody say drip bag?

A drip coffee bag is a single-serve filter bag that contains ground coffee. You simply put it in a cup and add hot water to make a delicious cup of coffee instantly.

I am no stranger to the concept of a drip coffee bag (I grew up in Japan, where the drip coffee bag was born). Up until last year, I always thought drip coffee bags make staled, not so pleasant coffee, just because you need to pre-grind the coffee and it loses aromatics during the production and shelf life.
When the likes of Single o and Stich Coffee released their drip coffee bags in the Sydney market last year, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste and popularity among coffee lovers. 

Last year, I had an opportunity to make a prototype in collaboration with 15CM Japanese Cheesecake. We decided to use BRUT Colombia Cinnamon Process Coffee and I was so amazed by the flavors and how it managed to preserve its beautiful cinnamon aroma. 
For my first official BRUT drip coffee bag release, I decided to use my latest fruit-infused coffee: Colombia Jardines del Eden Castillo Passionfruit and Strawberry They both tasted incredible when I first released them, and believe me when I say they taste as good in a drip bag! Plus, you don't need any equipment or brewing skills and you can take them everywhere with you :) 


How to brew drip coffee bag:

  1. Tear open the drip bag
  2. Pull the handles out and place them on the rim of the cup
  3. Pour hot water (93C) over coffee slowly till it reaches 200g
  4. Remove the drip bag and enjoy!

Q: 93C? I don't have a temperature variable kettle.
A: Leave the kettle lid open for about 60 seconds after the boil. or you can add a tiny drop of freshwater after the boil.

Q: 200g? I don't have a scale.
A: The best is to know the size of your cup, so you can eye-ball it. If not, fill up the drip bag with hot water 3 times. 

Q: What's the ideal cup size?
A: I prefer a narrow medium-size cup, about 250ml, not too tall. The drip bag will steep in a cup longer for an extra yumminess.


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